
Good progress this week. Lots of thinking going on! I figured out a bunch of the questions I had about WordPress, from my second-ever blog post, and I went to work building out some pages like the About Me, Timeline, and Project pages, so you can catch up if you’d like.

More importantly, I figured out the narrative for the website, mostly. Here’s how this is gonna go, I think:

  1. Weekly blog posts, under “Weekly Updates
  2. Probably more frequent thoughts under “Thoughts
  3. As I learn and document techniques, those will go under “Lessons Learned

Weekly Updates will document my progress, exclusively. So this means any progress notes or updates on weekly ‘classes’ or exercises, as well as documenting any outreach/networking efforts. The pursuit is to ‘go pro’ and be proud of whatever it is I’m putting out there, so I think that’s going to require a lot of consistency, hence the weekly cadence.

Thoughts will serve as an inbox-type post, so that I can write out multi-disciplinary ideas and riff on things like the website, or past efforts unrelated to this project. To start, I’ll probably riff on website ideas, discuss some planning or organizational ideas I have, and also revisit some old photos of mine – for sharing, and for critique!

Lessons Learned will be a more technical type of post, and my hope there is it can serve as a reference to myself. Also an inbox-type post, but more literal. So what I’m thinking is as I document a particular photographic effort, I may revisit that post and summarize it neatly, once I’ve mastered it. For example, if I practice time lapse panning, it might be a messy blog post for a few weeks, but after the fourth week, I’ll be able to distill into the most important points and write it out step by step.

So that’s about it for this week. Updated the website, meaningfully, and organized my thoughts about what it is I actually want to share! That’s good progress. More to come next week, including the basic layout of my 2025.