Category: Weekly Updates
Good progress this week. Lots of thinking going on! I figured out a bunch of the questions I had about WordPress, from my second-ever blog post, and I went to work building out some pages like the About Me, Timeline, and Project pages, so you can catch up if you’d like. More importantly, I figured…
Here’s a brief catch-up and checklist of some ‘unofficial’ progress I’ve made this year, up to and including efforts from this past week. I’m not starting from zero, but it’s pretty close. List is ordered from most recent to least, all progress is from 2024. Before this year, I shot on a Sony a6000 kit.…
First Post and Testing WordPress How far will I be able to take my progress? Posting in December 2024, with three weeks left in the year, can I reach the goals I’m setting for myself? As of today, I don’t know how to make, design, or run a website with any meaningful competence. Nor do…