Terms and Conditions


By visiting 100000grapes.com you agree that all content viewed on this website, or served from its host server, is owned by 100000grapes.com. Sole ownership of content resides with the owner of 100000grapes.com. Content will consist of text and images supplied by the owner. Any website design or code (html, CSS, etc)., is used solely to deliver the content and can be used under the terms provided by WordPress or WordPress template creators. Content may not be used or shared for any purpose beyond its use of viewing the website as it is, via 100000grapes.com. Please do not remix or reference this site without reaching out to me via the Contact Us page. It’s not my goal to get humiliated, and the content I share is low key for that reason.


Please have fun and learn something while visiting this site. It was my dream a long time ago to be on the ‘word wide web’ and I thought this would be as good a reason as any to create a website. I’m documenting my journey, and trying to change my life for the better, and I hope if you come along for the ride, that it’s fun for you and that you enjoy it.

A Note on Comments

This isn’t social media, by design. 100000grapes.com is simply my way of documenting something that’s been in the works for some time now. I wanted to share it this way so that I retained authorship of my choices, and my life, and to keep myself safe as well.

There are no comments, because I’ve been around the internet long enough to understand that one bored bad-faith actor can derail a good thing, and I don’t want to give breathing room to that kind of behavior on this site.

If you don’t know what I mean by this, that’s a good thing.